Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Shaving. The low cost of going old school. Maybe.

Travel Set
I hate shaving. So much so that if I don't have to go to work that I skip doing it for days.

When I do shave I do it in the shower with a disposable razor you get by the gross at Costco. As for shaving cream, I just use what ever soap we have in the shower.

Well for my birthday my wife bought me a shaving gift set from The Art of Shaving. I sort of said thanks and was thinking you know I really hate to shave, don't you?

Well she couldn't wait for me to use it. I still had 3 days till I had to go to work but she wanted me to try it out. I made excuses for a couple of days but we were going out for my second bday dinner since the one we had on my birthday was so crappy (see my yelp review).

So I took a shower and proceeded to the sink to shave. Remember, I haven't shaved outside the shower in years. This gift (yuck) required this big ordeal to use. It had a pre shave gel, shaving cream and a brush that you use to put on the shaving cream and an after shave gel for when you finish shaving. The only thing it was missing was a razor. Why? Because the ones she saw in the store were lots of dough. Anywhere from $55 to $300. Yikes!

I now have to read the directions since I have never used any of this stuff before. Wash face with warm water. Put small amount of pre shave gel is hand and rub all over beard. Now get shaving brush wet and put shaving cream on brush and lather. To say it was complicated would be lying. It was actually pretty easy once you did it and followed the directions. It was just not a daily ritual I was used to.

Anyway, I get my face all lathered up per the directions and proceed to shave with my cheap trusty razor. A new one actually. Not one I have used 7 or 8 times till it rips the whiskers out of my face instead of cutting them. Did I forget to mention that I'm cheap and using a .75 cent razor once or twice is like cutting up a dollar bill every couple of days.

So after I shave I use the after shave gel and to my surprise I get a really nice shave. No pain, no cuts, no irritation. This using quality shaving creams and gels might have some thing going for it.

But although I like the shave and think I know everything because that's the way my father did it back in the 60's I say to my wife that you leave the shaving brush wet with the little bit of shave cream left on it in a mug next to the sink.

Well in our house we don't take the other persons word for it. No, we google it till we find evidence to support our case. In walks my wife with her computer and she shows me this:

"It is also important to take care of your brush after the shave. Rinse your brush thoroughly to remove all of the soap or cream and leave it in an open area where it can completely dry, since mildew and soap scum will also deteriorate badger hairs and cause breakage." from a website called Shaving 101.

These guys take shaving really seriously.  I have learned a lot from this site just reading a few of the 100's of articles this site has to offer.

The first and most important thing is shaving doesn't have to hurt. It can be something you actually look forward to.

Don't be so cheap that you cut your face and irritate your skin. Use a fresh blade every 3rd or 4th shave.

And the bottom line. Going Old School and using a DE (Double Edge) Razor and disposable blades can save you money.

www.shaving101.com wrote a really good article on the costs of shaving with canned shave creams and disposable plastic razors vs DE Razors and Quality shave products so I am going to link to it here. http://www.shaving101.com/index.php/education/double-edge-shaving/164-money-magazine-got-it-wrong.html

It can also cost you lots of money because you just might make it a new hobby like the guys who write the site.

After reading this I just spent another $200 on shaving supplies. The guy who dreaded shaving and hated spending a buck a week on a new plastic razor.

But if you just spend the minimum to get a good shave after one year (according to the article) you can save $26 the first year and more than $50 very year after that.

In the last day I have ordered a DE Razor, Travel Case for it (I travel 3-4 days a week) and some blade sample packs. Apparently you need to find the blades that work best with your beard and skin. The same goes with creams apparently.

Also if you travel like I do you can't carry on your razor blades, they have to go in checked baggage along with your creams and gels over 3 ounces.

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